How do I buy tokens?
You don't have to have tokens on hand to enjoy ePlay's content—but why wouldn't you? Tokens are the gateway between you and your favorite streamer. You can buy tokens at any moment, and we make it easy!
Click the "Buy Tokens" button!

Choose your token package!

If you're buying on a mobile device, click "Buy Tokens" at the bottom of your screen.

All token purchases are one time purchases, rather than recurring charges! You are in charge of your tokens' destiny! We'll never charge you without permission. 😊👍
How do I spend tokens?

Click the "Buy Tokens" button!

Choose your token package!

If you're buying on a mobile device, click "Buy Tokens" at the bottom of your screen.

All token purchases are one time purchases, rather than recurring charges! You are in charge of your tokens' destiny! We'll never charge you without permission. 😊👍
How do I spend tokens?

Updated on: 04/06/2021
Thank you!